Wednesday 27 November 2013

Beauty photo Booth, red carpet style

I love fashion and beauty photography, but it is hard work and very competitive. As a hobby I sometimes dabble in a bit of this photography to try new things and to see how I can further improve my photo booth. My friends daughter recently started a beauty blog and needed some photos for her blog, so I decided to set up a photo booth at her house and use fashion and beauty photography techniques and lighting. 

My main idea is I want to set up a beauty/fashion photo booth at events where people are really dressed up and want more elegant photos like the red carpet. 

So I'm constantly studying fashion photography, posing techniques, exploring different styles of editing and lighting set ups. My aim is, I want all the people in the photos to look like celebrity's. A lot of celebrity's are not natural at modelling/posing, over time they have learnt their best angles to quickly pose for the paparazzi on the red carpet or whilst out and about, hence why they have really beautiful photos. Of course lovely make up and styling  of their clothes play a big part but to take a really nice photo, you do really need to know how to pose in front of the camera and for many of us it doesn't come natural. I know I'm useless in front of the camera and now I'm practicing  posing techniques on my self so I'm able to better direct others. 

To show you what I'm talking about look at these before and after photos of celebs early in their career and now and you will see a big difference in how they posed in their photos. Confidence also plays a big part and the more confident you are it will show in your photo. 

My business nearly failed before I even started

I'm a self taught photographer, I have never been to college or uni to learn photography. I have just read books and watched lots and lots of you tube tutorials. I only started this business in June this year not because I wanted to start in June but more like I was forced to due to my manager letting me go earlier then my contract stated. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't disappointed I was very disappointed, in fact very angry, because my plans were ruined, I planned to work there and start my business slowly so at least I have an income coming in and I can build my business up step by step. 

But sometimes in life as we all know, it never goes according to plan, so there I was, no money, I had half of the equipment I needed and to make thing worse I just ordered a new camera I didn't know how to use. I was in a right pickle, I had so much to learn, I was unprepared and no income. It looked like failure was was in my face before I even started. 

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Ernie's circus theme photo booth

I love creating themed photo booth's for children's parties, this is what makes my photo booth unique and stand out from the rest. The photos also look amazing and very creative. Little Ernie had his first birthday and had a circus themed party so of course my photo booth was styled according to the theme. To create my circus themed photo booth, I first seek inspiration from google and pinterest and use this as a starting point. Straight away I knew I wanted the colour scheme to be a baby yellow backdrop and red silky curtains and I also wanted circus themed props.

As always I went to visit my fav fabric shop and and the party store to get my props. I sometimes purchase printable templates and make handmade props but on this occasion I didn't need to do that. 

Everyone loved the photo booth and the grown up's got involved to. I LOVE colourful photos, so I was very pleased how rich the colours were so when I was editing the photos I only needed to do a small amount of editing to enhance the photos.

Here are a few of the photos.........

Friday 15 November 2013

My first teen party photo booth - Movie and TV stars theme

September 28th is a day I will not forget, for the first time I had three bookings in one day and for many of you who don't know, I can't and don't drive to any of my events no matter how far :(. I know, I really do need to drive, I'm not going to lie and say its not challenging to get around, its a real CHALLENGE at times to drag a suit case around and carry a backdrop stand. It is really heavy. Any hoo it all worked out in the end (YES) and each event was very successful. I had a wedding booking in the morning, superhero party in the afternoon and 18th party in the evening and very tired on the way home lol. (I will blog about the other events soon)

What can I say, the 18th party was a blast, the teens loved my photo booth and had so much fun. I didn't stop all night, constantly busy and so many group shots.  

By the way the theme was TV and movie stars, the teens were all in fancy dress - this made the photo booth more fun. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

How I started my photo booth for children and teen parties

While I was in the process of developing my photo booth business, I noticed there were not many photo booth providers for children’s parties, this made me wonder why because children also love having a photo booth at their party just as much as adults. I also noticed to hire a photo booth can be quite expensive especially for a small children’s party, most parents wouldn't like to spend over £400 just for a photo booth, plus most photo booths have a large booth structure that’s not suitable for every venue and certainly cannot fit in someone’s home.

So I set my self on a mission to create a photo booth service only for children and teens.

1. It has to be affordable

2. It has to be fun

3. It has to be portable, so the photo booth can be set up in any venue or in your home

4. It has to be very different from what other services provide